Will the CRISPR patent landscape soon move to a one-stop license shopping?

The past 24 hours have brought new light and significant moves in the complex CRISPR patent landscape.

First (that was in European time zone!), our CRISPR expert Fabien Palazzoli celebrated the 1000th CRISPR patent family extraction out of the worldwide published patent databases. Our next monthly update will actually feature more than 1050 classified and categorized CRISPR patent families – more than 10 times the initial set of our first landscape release back in summer 2014!

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10 facts from the January 2016 CRISPR patent landscape

Our quarterly CRISPR patent landscape is now available. For this first release in 2016, we have  included the latest business and technology developments, such as licensing deals information and a fully revisited breakdown of the functional and technical claim coverage. Our genomics expert Dr. Fabien Palazzoli has identified 489 CRISPR patent families out from worlwide patent registers, and systematically reviewed them down to individual claim wording to classify them into our unique, worldwide, independent CRISPR patent database.

In the meanwhile, facts and opinion papers around the Broad-Berkeley USPTO patent interference have been overloading our news monitoring capacity in the past 4 weeks… but that’s just about 2 pioneering families in the whole landscape. Here are 10 new facts out of the latest IPStudies CRISPR patent analytics – 489 CRISPR patent families as of January 2016:

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IP management practices – How early inventor collaboration can help faster granting at USPTO


In the CRISPR-CAS patent landscape, the file history of US patent 8’697’359 by Dr. Feng Zhang from the Broad Institute highlights how a “get this one granted fast” IP strategy can be enforced in IP management practice with a strong collaboration from the inventors, at least in the USPTO prosecution, and especially in a research field where a large part of the prior art is academic.

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