IP management practices – How early inventor collaboration can help faster granting at USPTO


In the CRISPR-CAS patent landscape, the file history of US patent 8’697’359 by Dr. Feng Zhang from the Broad Institute highlights how a “get this one granted fast” IP strategy can be enforced in IP management practice with a strong collaboration from the inventors, at least in the USPTO prosecution, and especially in a research field where a large part of the prior art is academic.

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IP management practices – Findings from the CRISPR-Cas landscape

When initially building our CRISPR-Cas patent landscape database over this summer, we were surprised by some unusual inventor patterns. As we now monitoring deeper into this data subset for our customers, we are further amazed by how some inventors and applicants are already strongly defending their IP position by various means in the diversity of international patent prosecution law practices – an IP management lesson of its own!

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