2020 is such a special year that we almost forgot to celebrate the 10th anniversary of IPStudies patent analytics activities… the local party is postponed to a later, post-COVID date, but we’d still like to take a look back at our first ten years of practice. Back in September 2010, patent mining and landscaping tools were still in their infancy, limited to basic quantitative counts over time and classes. Having experimented the benefit of using patent analytics data to guide R&D as well as M&A development choices in the high-tech corporate world, IPStudies’s founder, Corinne Le Buhan, envisioned the need to bring this information to Swiss technology “grown-ups” as early as possible in their product development cycle. By going beyond the extraction of austere lists of patent numbers to visually highlight their development context, it becomes much easier to benchmark and thus optimize the IP development positioning for companies exposed to highly competitive environments.
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Colloque P2i 2013 – 2-3 octobre à Paris
Le 2 et 3 octobre au coeur de Paris se tiendra la première édition du colloque P2i, Propriété Intellectuelle et Innovation, avec un programme très dense comprenant notamment plusieurs sessions dédiées à la gestion, à la stratégie et aux bonnes pratiques en matière de PI.
Une vingtaine de praticiens expérimentés, venant de différents secteurs allant de l’automobile aux télécoms en passant par l’aéronautique, partageront leurs expériences.
Corinne Le Buhan y présentera de “Nouvelles tactiques de déminage et camouflage au service d’une stratégie PI défensive“: observations de tiers auprès des 3 principaux offices, plateformes de crowdsourcing pour la recherche d’art antérieur, organisation et mise en oeuvre pour maximiser les investissements tout au long du cycle de développement des produits technologiques à forte valeur ajoutée.
Les inscriptions sont encore possibles ici.
Can patent indicators predict company valuation? A review of recent findings
One of the newest and most promising areas in econometrics research focuses on the valuation of companies based on their patent stock. This work, initiated by Hall’s observations regarding the correlation between patent citations and a company stock value, has blossomed in the past 5 years. Here is a review of recent findings.
A new approach to predicting technology product lifecycle transitions
Beyond statistical research on patent databases for the purpose of identifying global economic trends, an even more interesting application of patent analysis is the search for indicators associated to a given sector. In particular, since patents are a priori a reflection of innovation, the corresponding indicators need to reflect the latter’s economic models, in particular the product lifecycle models (PLC model) commonly used in strategic marketing and strategic planning.
Initiatives towards a Human Potential Index beyond GDP
The Economist-Innocentive challenge has inspired at least one other published initiative according to my google search: the Continuum Development Index. Interestingly, the author, Brandon Peele, also started from the pyramids of needs by Maslow. While I specialized my proposal on the creative sharing measurement as the best proxy to self-actualization I could think of, Brandon took a larger view by trying to define a framework encompassing many more areas of our needs, and also taking into account the trans-generational transmission.
The first year milestone
IPStudies celebrates its first year of activity on September 1st, 2011 – launching a brand new web site to more dynamically promote new services and partnerships – those that can be disclosed 😉 -, as well as breaking news and publications.
The blog part has been entirely revisited to facilitate publishing and referencing, and hopefully also improve your reader experience.
So, let’s start evaluating this with the first year birthday virtual speech!