Colloque P2i 2013 – 2-3 octobre à Paris

Propriété Intellectuelle et Innovation

Le 2 et 3 octobre au coeur de Paris se tiendra la première édition du colloque P2i, Propriété Intellectuelle et Innovation, avec un programme très dense comprenant notamment plusieurs sessions dédiées à la gestion, à la stratégie et aux bonnes pratiques en matière de PI.

Une vingtaine de praticiens expérimentés, venant de différents secteurs allant de l’automobile aux télécoms en passant par l’aéronautique, partageront leurs expériences.

Corinne Le Buhan y présentera de “Nouvelles tactiques de déminage et camouflage au service d’une stratégie PI défensive“: observations de tiers auprès des 3 principaux offices, plateformes de crowdsourcing pour la recherche d’art antérieur, organisation et mise en oeuvre  pour maximiser les investissements tout au long du cycle de développement des produits technologiques à forte valeur ajoutée.

Les inscriptions sont encore possibles ici.

IEEPI training – Best practices of international licensing agreements

IEEPI (Institut Européen Entreprise et Propriété Industrielle) organizes in 2013 a new training on best practices of international licensing agreements in collaboration with Corinne Le Buhan from IPstudies SARL. 

Next session: 27.09.2013 09:00-17:30

Location: Paris, France

Language: English

Description: This practice course will focus on licensing strategies, preparation of the IP agreement proposal, the anatomy of a licensing agreement and negotiation of a licensing contract.

Target audience: Business development managers, licensing executives, IP practitioners, contract managers, technology transfer managers, lawyers.

Level of expertise: intermediate

Details and registration form:

Niptech Innovation podcast interview

The French-speaking weekly technology podcast NipTech recently launched a new series dedicated to innovation best practices & experiences at the initiative of Benoît Curdy.

Corinne Le Buhan from IPStudies was invited last January to talk about her experience in IP management practice, in particular the early stage patent-or-not-patent challenge, as well as open innovation platforms experience and sources of innovation inspiration:

Links associated with the interview:

Thanks a lot again to Benoît for the nice interview and great editing work!

blueFactory 2013-2038

Le concours initial d’idées de s’est achevé aujourd’hui avec l’annonce des 10 gagnants, dont j’ai le plaisir de faire partie:

“Du tangible à l’intangible (Corinne Le Buhan)

Un projet présenté sous une forme très originale et pleine d’humour où la lauréate se projette dans le futur et nous entraine dans un rêve éveillé à la fois chimérique et structuré, et qui combine l’aspect technologique et un aspect particulièrement créatif grâce par exemple à son « Botzipple », réseau sensoriel (combinaison des produits Apple et de la poire à botzi)!

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Balancing IP expenses and IP revenue – lessons from the CNRS challenge

Mid November, CNRS, the French largest public-funded research organization of more than 26000 employees, primarily researchers and engineers, announced a new technology transfer program for about 25% of their 4500 patent families portfolio. This is just yet another move in the patent monetization trend – and some of the financial figures at stake, more easily available for this public organization than for corporate world ones, deserve a closer scrutiny.

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A new approach to predicting technology product lifecycle transitions

Beyond statistical research on patent databases for the purpose of identifying global economic trends, an even more interesting application of patent analysis is the search for indicators associated to a given sector. In particular, since patents are a priori a reflection of innovation, the corresponding indicators need to reflect the latter’s economic models, in particular the product lifecycle models (PLC model) commonly used in strategic marketing and strategic planning.

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On the organizational side of intangible assets

I just came across a short insightful Harvard Business Review blog paper from Pr. Robert J. Thomas assessing collaboration as an intangible asset. Intangible assets is what buy-side analysts are focusing upon – they crave for innovation, but how do you measure that in advance to support your investment decisions? Pr. Thomas suggests to measure collaboration, starting from the assumption that behind innovation there are plenty of people, a.k.a. collective intelligence.

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Interview at The Economist’s Ideas Economy: Human Potential conference

Corinne Le Buhan to discuss the future of work at The Economist's Ideas Economy: Human Potential Conference

As the winner of The Economist-Innocentive Human Potential Index challenge, I have the great opportunity to join other notable business leaders, management thinkers, authors and intellectuals who will discuss the future of work at The Economist’s second annual Ideas Economy: Human Potential conference on Sept 14th-15th at The Times Center in New York City…

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The first year milestone

IPStudies celebrates its first year of activity on September 1st, 2011 – launching a brand new web site to more dynamically promote new services and partnerships  – those that can be disclosed 😉 -, as well as breaking news and publications.

The blog part has been entirely revisited to facilitate publishing and referencing, and hopefully also improve your reader experience.

So, let’s start evaluating this with the first year birthday virtual speech!

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